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Linalool: an interesting ingredient in Cannabis and over 200 hundred plant species.

Linalool provides the analgesic (pain reliever) effect plus results in EO and makes it superior to any pain management protocol.

#Tejasvani knowledge desk

With a long experience in pain management with essential oils, when we were thinking about Fibromyalgia yesterday, we decided to share this information. Essential oils are the “essence” of plants, and anyone who knows botany understands that a plant replicates the human body substantially. That is why a lot of herbs and drugs come from plants. The term “essence” can be interpreted in many ways, but it is the total of everything.

Linalool is a terpene found in the botany world, including in the cannabis plant, and has attracted a lot of interest in the pharma world because of its “entourage effect”. Cannabis provides a lot of fringe benefits and improves cannabis’ physiological benefits when compared to isolated cannabinoids.

Linalool is so common that even those who don’t use cannabis consume over two grams of linalool each year through their food, including numerous fruits and spices. That may seem like a lot, but there is little risk of adverse effects. Linalool doesn’t stick around in your body for long and doesn’t accumulate like the cannabinoids that get stored in the fatty tissues in the body and brain.

Linalool has hundreds of plants producing it, and it has a lot to offer when it comes to healing. Its antimicrobial properties protect the plant against insects and represent a potential therapeutic use for people in fighting cell-damaging bacteria.

Linalool (often in the form of lavender or other aromatic plants) has been used in traditional medicine practices across the globe as a sedative and muscle relaxer. It has also been shown to have anticonvulsant and anti-epileptic properties, reducing anxiety and depression.

Mice exposed to linalool vapors show reduced levels of anxiety and lower depression-like behaviors. In human studies examining the therapeutic effects of lavender essential oil, of which linalool is the main compound, it effectively lowered participants’ scores on the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. Linalool also strengthens the immune system against the destructive effects of stress. Stress causes a shift in the distribution of white blood cells in the body (i.e., the cells of the immune system); the percentage of lymphocytes decreases, and neutrophils increase. In studies done on rats, linalool prevented this shift and, by extension, prevented the stress-induced changes in how the rats’ DNA was expressed. Interestingly, the authors reasoned that this protection was mediated by linalool’s ability to activate the body’s parasympathetic response, which is activated when the body is resting and digesting food.

Studies indicate that linalool’s behavioral effects may largely be mediated by how it impacts the brain. One way is through blocking the receptors for the primary excitatory brain chemical, glutamate, which could account for linalool’s potentially anti-epileptic properties in some forms of epilepsy. This terpene also can enhance the effect of other sedatives, such as pentobarbital.

Additionally, linalool may be muscle-relaxing and have pain-relieving effects through additional distinctive mechanisms. For instance, linalool reduces the signaling strength of acetylcholine, a brain chemical required for muscle contraction and movement. Linalool can have anesthetic-like effects by reducing the excitability of cells in the spinal cord that transmit pain signals to the brain.

Some of Linalool’s pain-relieving abilities can be ascribed to its elevation of adenosine levels, an inhibitory brain chemical that is notably blocked by caffeine. Together, this multitude of nervous system targets contributes to its sedative, anxiety-reducing, and pain-relieving benefits.

These effects provide foundational support for linalool's benefits in pain therapy. In one study, obese patients who underwent gastric banding surgery were either exposed to linalool-rich lavender oil vapor or an unscented control. Only 46% of the patients who inhaled the lavender oil required postoperative opioid medication, compared to 82% of the control group. Further, the morphine needs of those in the lavender group were nearly half that of the control group, together suggesting that linalool can reduce the need for post-surgery opioid-based pain treatment.

Memory and cognitive impairment:

Current treatment strategies for Alzheimer's disease are largely ineffective at recovering function. This has set scientists on a quest to identify techniques that reduce these plaques and tangles in the hopes of reversing the disease's course and recovering normal brain function.

A promising study from 2016 points to linalool as a potential Alzheimer's treatment. In a genetic mouse model, linalool reversed many of the behavioral and cognitive impairments associated with the disease. Further, it reduced the number of brain plaques and cellular tangles that define the disease and contribute to brain degeneration.

Despite all this research, linalool still has many hurdles before it makes its way into the clinic. But these Alzheimer's studies and previous studies demonstrating benefits in reducing pain, anxiety, and depression point to the importance of continued investigation into the therapeutic benefits of linalool and other terpenes in cannabis.

The reason lavender is often talked about is maximum research is done there because the researchers on medicine are not expected to know about EOs. Linalool is "GRAS (generally regarded as safe) by FDA and is widely used. And even otherwise 5 Ul /per kg body weight is supposed to be safe from long-term toxicity (and we consider body weight around 40 kg giving us the limit of 200 UL while in effect we use only up to 30-40 UL.

Now the issues:

Technical knowledge of essential oils – that unfortunately does not come by sniffing a few bottles of EOs – it takes years of hard work. Complete control on growing to the last point of delivery – reason right from the nursery stage to the last bottle – we do ourselves. Though it is the most expensive way to do things, we chose this way since we always commanded a premium on our product.

Knowing the pharmacological impact of half-life, an effective delivery system of the active ingredient is something in which we invested a lot of time/money in the last few years as we started delivering protocols to help/heal as a public service. Constant researching, learning, remaining updated, and incorporating knowledge which costs both money and time, and there possibly Deviskripa is only I will say – she has been extremely kind – gave me the luxury to invest in it on all fronts – in fact, on crucial occasions just took me to the point where on the first click of the mouse – the solution to the problem looked like a cheesecake with a cup of tea.

So possibly today, I can say almost all sorts of pain are manageable with essential oils, and with extended use of the mind, even solutions to the basic issues causing pain are controllable. And it's the most holistic, non-toxic method to do it.

And to this effect, I am ready to offer free sewa to anyone in any type of pain across India. We can even plan once-in-a-month camps in different cities for interaction with people who are seeking solutions and workshops/train people to offer healing with the use of essential oils (on a cost basis – where my services remain free).


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